2/14/2024 – Collaboration with WebDev
Join our collaboration with UW Website Development club for an interactive workshop with WebDev President, Nithilan! Workshop on data visualization using JavaScript and React, a library that is used to build out user interfaces in web development. Pizza provided!
2/7/2024 – Neural Networks: An Introduction
DotData President, Vasudha, will give a skill building workshop on Neural Networks. Introduction to the basics and the inner workings of neurons. Bring your laptop and follow along with code! Pizza will be provided.
1/31/2024 – dotData Semester Kick-Off Social
Celebrate the start of the semester with us at our semester kick-off social. We’ll have music and a lively atmosphere. Bring a friend or come alone and make a friend! Food will be provided.
12/06/2023 – Text Mining workshop!
Date: Wednesday, Dec. 6th at 6pm Location: Computer Sciences 1240 Professor Enright of LIS 501 (Intro to Text Mining) will host an interactive text mining / web scraping workshop! Please bring a laptop; food will be provided.
11/29/2023 – [CANCELLED] workshop ft. WPS!
Edit: Unfortunately, our guest speaker for tonight had a family emergency and can’t make it. The exec board will still be at CS 1240 with dotData sweatshirts for those who want to pick theirs up tonight, but we won’t have an official meeting. We apologize for the late notice, and are looking forward to next…
11/14/2023 – ML Overview
Date: Tuesday, Nov. 14th at 6pm Location: Computer Sciences 1240 Join data expert Larry Tan for an introduction to Machine Learning and its various uses! Food will be provided.
11/08/2023 – dotData projects meeting
Date: Wednesday, Nov. 8th at 6:30pm Location: Computer Sciences 1240 This week’s meeting is a great first place for project groups to meet in-person and get started on their projects!
11/01/2023 – Matplotlib vs. Seaborn workshop
Date: Wednesday, Nov. 1st at 6pm Location: Computer Sciences 1240 Learn about plotting in Python with Matplotlib and Seaborn! Please bring a laptop; food will be provided.