Interested in Machine Learning & Data Mining (in Python)? 
On November 8th, we will be having a postdoctoral researcher coming in to speak about his work and some projects he’s completed. Dr. Kuusisto completed his Computer Science PhD in Machine Learning in 2015 at UW-Madison, and works in the Regenerative Biology lab at the Morgridge Institute to build models from genetic expression data that can predict when compounds are toxic to developing neurological tissues.

Thank you to everyone who came last week to see the Genetic Algorithms and SAS presentations! I hope you all managed to get some pizza. :^)

If you missed the meeting or wanted to see the slides again, here is what we covered.

Genetic Algorithms:

If you have more questions about Genetic Algorithms, email Matthew at:


Some reminders from Rachel:
The registration for Student Symposium  is November 16th, teams of 2-4 with a faculty advisory will compete in a data challenge with a data set with SAS software to use. The top 3 teams will be highlighted at the Global Forum in April 2019.
SAS E-Learning – Access code is : G70007601
Free University Edition software
Video tutorials –
Free Book on Data Science
Apply to Internships on Handshake or here

If you have any questions for Rachel regarding SAS, contact her at:

Hello dotData!

Meeting Tomorrow (10/11/2018)

Reminder that we have our meeting tomorrow on Getting into Research + Preparing a Résumé for Internships (7pm in CS1221).

View the slides here if you can’t make it!

As always, Adithya and I will stick around afterwords to answer any questions you may have regarding classes, as well as discuss ongoing projects. We can give you some personal feedback on your résumé. There may be cookies.

• Bring your résumé if you have one!

Hi Data Science Club,

Thanks to everyone for coming to the meeting! For anyone who wasn’t able to make it to the meeting, here is the presentation that was given. Sorry if I went a bit fast—I’d be happy to elaborate on any points I skimmed (email me or Adithya). For the next meeting, the topic will be:

Résumé Workshop for Tech Internships & Research
7pm on Thursday 10/11 in CS 1221

While this meeting topic is subject to change, I think it’d be good because it’s internship-hunting season.

Right now we’re looking at meeting every other week… But that said, there’s a lot of topics that people are interested in and a lot of things that I’d personally talking about. I’ll be sending out another email with a poll, listing some workshop topics for a meeting. If you have a topic you feel competent in or project that you did & would like to present, email me.

A recap of topics and resources for this past meeting:

I ended up discussing a lot more than I expected about prospective classes to support an interest in Data Science. Besides the slides in the presentation, here are some of the other resources I mentioned:

Someone spoke to me about internships for underclassmen, and it made me remember a resource I DEFINITELY wish I’d known about—an advisor mentioned it to me this last spring. They largely open up in December, but it’s definitely worth eyeballing now.

  • Research Internships through the National Science Foundation

A resource that I didn’t know about until I became the resource: tutoring in the computer sciences building. The word tutoring can have a stigma to it and feels inaccurate in this case, because anyone can just show up and have a pseudo-TA help them debug their programs and explain concepts. They’re guaranteed* to cover every class up to 400. After that, it’s down to what the tutors have personally taken.

Every Sunday-Wednesday there’s tutoring in the lounge immediately above the east entrance of the Computer Sciences building. It’s from 3-9pm for Mon-Wed, and 2-8pm on Sundays. I’m personally there from 6-9 on Mondays, and often from 5-9ish on Wednesdays. If you’d like to get involved as a tutor, contact Andrew Kuemmel!